Di postingan ini ingin saya share sebuah script car controller sederhana untuk menjalankan mobil.
Seperti apa penggunaannya bisa kalian lihat di video di bawahnya ya. Berikut scriptnya (Controller.cs):
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Controller : MonoBehaviour
//Adding audio source
//public AudioSource audioSourceIddle;
//public float minimumPitchIdle = 0.5f;
//public AudioSource audioSourceAcc;
//public float minimumPitchAcc = 0.5f;
//Making reference to wheel colliders
[SerializeField] WheelCollider FrontRight;
[SerializeField] WheelCollider FrontLeft;
[SerializeField] WheelCollider BackRight;
[SerializeField] WheelCollider BackLeft;
//Getting Reference to phisycal wheel meshes
[SerializeField] Transform FrontRightTransform;
[SerializeField] Transform FrontLeftTransform;
[SerializeField] Transform BackRightTransform;
[SerializeField] Transform BackLeftTransform;
public float acceleration = 30000f;
public float BreakingForce = 8000f;
public float MaxTurnAngle = 30f;
private float CurrentAcceleration = 0f;
private float CurrentBreakingForce = 0f;
private float CurrentTurnAngle = 0f;
private float CurrentAccSound = 0f;
private void FixedUpdate()
//Making reference to the audio
//audioSourceIddle = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
//audioSourceAcc = GetComponent < AudioSource>();
//audioSource.pitch = minimumPitch;
//Get forward /backward acceleration from the vertical axis (W and S keys)
CurrentAcceleration = acceleration * Input.GetAxis("Vertical")*(-1);
CurrentAccSound = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
//setting up sound
//if (CurrentAccSound < 0.0)
//audioSourceIddle.pitch = (float)(minimumPitchIdle-0.1);
//else if (CurrentAccSound > 0.7)
// audioSourceAcc.volume = minimumPitchAcc;
// audioSourceIddle.pitch = minimumPitchIdle;
//give CurrentBreakForce a value if space key is being pressed
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space))
CurrentBreakingForce = BreakingForce;
//audioSource.pitch = minimumPitch;
CurrentBreakingForce = 0;
//Front wheels acceleration
FrontRight.motorTorque = CurrentAcceleration;
FrontLeft.motorTorque = CurrentAcceleration;
BackRight.motorTorque = CurrentAcceleration;
BackLeft.motorTorque = CurrentAcceleration;
//Apply braking to the four wheels
FrontRight.brakeTorque = CurrentBreakingForce;
FrontLeft.brakeTorque = CurrentBreakingForce;
BackRight.brakeTorque = CurrentBreakingForce;
BackLeft.brakeTorque = CurrentBreakingForce;
CurrentTurnAngle = MaxTurnAngle * Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
FrontRight.steerAngle = CurrentTurnAngle;
FrontLeft.steerAngle = CurrentTurnAngle;
//Update position and rotation of wheel meshes
UpdateWheel(FrontRight, FrontRightTransform);
UpdateWheel(FrontLeft, FrontLeftTransform);
UpdateWheel(BackRight, BackRightTransform);
UpdateWheel(BackLeft, BackLeftTransform);
void UpdateWheel(WheelCollider col, Transform trans) {
//Get state of collider
Vector3 position;
Quaternion rotation;
col.GetWorldPose(out position, out rotation);
//Set wheel to the same state as collider
trans.position = position;
trans.rotation = rotation;
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